Funeral Directors

Funeral Directors and Pricing - Photo by Shutterbug75

Funeral Directors and Pricing
by Chris Tabor | | Funeral Directors, Funeral Price, CMA, Competition Markets Authority

Funeral Directors and Pricing.  It has been long coming. And it arrives on the 21st September 2021. In the UK there are over 307,000 retail outlets from clothing stores, beauticians, take-aways and of course supermarkets.

Imagine walking into a Supermarket to buy your…

The Best Funeral Director does exist

The Best Funeral Director Exists
by Chris Tabor | | Funeral Directors, Celebrant, Funerals

The Best Funeral Director exists - Upon a sudden death, most people grab a telephone or mobile and call their local or nearest Funeral Director immediately to get things ‘sorted’.  The Funeral Director you have just rung may or may not be the best option for you. There are key questions to…