STEP 1 - A cup of tea or coffee.
The first thing to do is to set up a meeting over a cup of tea or coffee. There is no charge what-so-ever for this meeting. The choice of meeting place (time and location) is yours.
I want you to be completely comfortable, at ease and be able to talk freely. In this meeting we would cover such things as; what you would like (your wishes), what you would expect (expectations) as well as for me to help with ideas and making suggestions.
We would also cover the necessary paperwork to be completed (date, address, contact numbers and so forth) We can if you feel comfortable, start to talk about the person we shall be celebrating the life of. This meeting can as brief or long as you would like. This is setting the process in to motion.
STEP 2 - A second meeting.
A meeting with yourself, your family or whom-ever you wish to be there.
Once again, the time and place are of your choice.
If you would like, I can talk with friends, other family members, colleagues and so forth at a separate time to this. Obtaining more stories, more viewpoints and reminiscences makes for a rounded and complete picture. No two stories are ever the same! The process can be quick or take as long as it takes.
STEP 3 - Collating all the stories.
From the discussions, talks, meetings and so forth we have had, I would then assemble and collate the stories into a complete Life to Celebrate document. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a day or more to craft into a seamless and authentic manuscript. This is where everything comes together. It is not a chronological curriculum vitae but an expression of love and joy; happenings, experiences, and lots of great quotes! We all have our own pet phrases, sayings, quips even jokes. This makes us unique and endearing.
STEP 4 - Celebration of a Life Manuscript.
This will be sent to you to read and then if you wish, adjust, amend, delete, or even add pieces. You can re-write as much or as little as you would like. I will not be offended.
Once you are happy with the draft, I will send you a formal copy of The Celebration of Life Manuscript to keep.
STEP 5 - Planning the service.
Planning the Celebration of a Life Funeral service. Although this is listed as Step 5 planning and creating the service can be integrated, discussed, and planned at any time.
This includes (but not limited to):
- Where is it to be held?
- Timings.
- Music, Poems, Passages, readings if any, to be discussed, collated and so forth.
- Whom will be present at the Service?
- Who would like to speak, sing, participate?
In addition, I will liaise with your chosen Funeral Director to make sure everything is on track and runs smoothly.
The above is just a very brief outline of the items to be addressed and organized. I will be with you every-step-of-the-way. It is an emotional time for everyone. We would not be human if we did not faulter at some point. This is my role to smooth-over, infill and make the Celebration of a Life as perfect as you would want it to be.